Lesson 15: Getting more with も and と

も is an inclusion marker. You can think of it like "too" or "also" for now.

When も marks something marked by は, が, or を, that particle is dropped.

私も行く I'll go, too (in addition to other people)

魚も食べたい I want to eat fish too (in addition to something else)

今日も元気だな You're lively today too, huh. (in addition to another day)

も can be used with negative statements. Normally, it includes the given noun in the set of things that the negative statement is true for. But sometimes it does weird things because negation changes how logical inclusion/exclusion works. We'll cover this in more detail much later, but keep it in mind.

僕も食べない I won't eat, either. (in addition to other people)

と also "includes", but it doesn't "include" on the grammatical level も does.

と normally makes a list of things.

ジムとサトシは来ない Jim and Satoshi won't come.

と sometimes marks a kind of indirect object. Then it acts like "with". This is not the same "with" that で means when it marks "circumstance/means".

私はヤンと勉強しない I don't study with Yan.