Lesson 51: Likeness with らしい ぽい そう など

らしい is an auxiliary adjective that attaches to nouns or verbs/adjectives and says that something factually "seems so" based on circumstance. らしい is appropriate for things that would translate to "seems X", rather than "Xish".

ぽい (almost always っぽい) says that something subjectively "seems so" based on appearance or properties and translates well as "Xish" or "X-like".

We've seen そう before in a couple example sentences with the pattern "そうだ", where we translated it as "is so", where "so" meant "like that". That's a literal use of そう as a noun. There are two grammatical constructions that use そう that have a different meaning than just "like that".

Use one is "seeming", where そう attaches directly to a verb or adjective's stem, including な-adjectives (where the stem just lacks the な・だ). This is sometimes used like "seems like I will X" with non-volitional future actions. Notably, A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese interprets that as "about to X".


Seems edible

Use two is "hearsay", much like らしい, except that it attaches to statements rather than individual words. If you want, you can think of this as "it seems that ___" until it clicks in your head.

Finally, など basically means "etc", "and so on", or "and the like". Sometimes it's the final grammatical word in a list, especially vague or non-exhaustive ones, and it can turn exhaustive, concrete types of lists into non-exhaustive ones, without changing the nuance.

謝罪など、全く無用の事です Apologies and such, very much useless things.